Generating Single Level Group By Report in JIRA Tool in Testing

A "Single Level Group By" report shows issues grouped by a specified field using a specified issue filter of a user's choice. For example, an issue filter can be created to retrieve all the open issues of a particular project for a particular version. The "Single Level Group By" report can then be used to display these issues grouped by a specified field (e.g. Assignee, Components, Issue Types etc.).


How to generate a Single Level Group By Report

  1. Select the project you want to choose from the Project dropdown or click on View All projects and select the desired project from there. The selected project will be displayed.
  2. Select "Single Level Group By Report" from the Reports dropdown under the Summary window.


    The Description window will opened.


    NOTE: If you are using JIRA 5.2.1 or later then the reports will be listed in the "Reports" section in the Summary tab, not in a Reports menu.

  3. Click on the select filter link. The Filter picker window will open and the user can select the desired filter to group the issues for the report.


  4. In the "Statistic Type" field, select the field from the dropdown through which the report will bind the issues in a category and return from your chosen issue filter.


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